This document outlines regulations and considerations regarding the removability and replaceability of portable batteries in various devices, with a particular focus on safety and data integrity concerns. Key points include:

  1. Derogations for Battery Removability:
    1. Certain devices may have derogations (exceptions) for battery removability due to safety, data integrity, or other operational requirements.
  2. Safety Considerations:
    1. Lifesaving, life-sustaining, and safety-critical devices may require a permanent connection between the device and the battery to ensure user safety.
  3. Data Integrity:
    1. Devices used primarily for data collection and supply must adhere to strict data integrity considerations to prevent loss or corruption of critical information.
  4. Software Limitations:
    1. Software should not hinder the replacement of a portable battery with a compatible one, ensuring ease of maintenance and sustainability.
    1. Parts-pairing practices that discourage repair or replacement of individual parts, such as batteries, should be avoided.
  5. Regulatory Framework:
    1. The document references EU Regulations 2017/745 and 2017/746, which classify medical devices based on their risk and outline the necessary safety standards for these devices, including considerations for battery removability.

This ensures a balanced approach, addressing both user safety and operational considerations, while complying with regulatory frameworks to maintain device functionality and integrity.


Region: EU Harmonized (27 Markets)

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