"The main subject of the regulatory information about ensuring safe food through proper information and labeling, including the rules that apply and how they should be used, as well as specific legislation governing the area of food information to consumers.
This document contain important information regarding food information and labeling requirements as per the Swedish Food Agency and EU regulations.It outlines the following:Purpose of Food Information and Labeling:To ensure consumer safety, prevent deception regarding food contents, and allow consumers to make informed choices based on health, financial, environmental, social, and ethical considerationsLegislation:The main EU regulation is Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 on food information to consumers, along with various other EU regulations and Swedish Food Agency regulations that govern specific aspects of food labelingLanguage Requirements:Mandatory food information must be in Swedish or a language easily understood by consumers in SwedenVoluntary information may also need to be translated into Swedish to prevent misleading consumersVisibility and Accessibility:Mandatory food information must be easily visible and accessible, whether the food is prepackaged or notIt should not be obscured by other text or images and must be presented in a certain font size to ensure readability SpecificLabeling Requirements:Certain information, such as the designation of the food, net quantity, and alcohol content for drinks over 1.2% by volume, must be in the same field of view on the packaging there are also specific rules for labeling non-prepackaged foodsFLIS:The Food Labeling Information System (FLIS) is a tool developed by the European Commission to help businesses produce mandatory food information for labeling within the EUIt includes links to relevant legislation and guidelines but has no legal effect on its ownUpdates and Implementation:New provisions in the form of delegated acts and implementing acts with application regulations are gradually added to Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011These must be applied from the 1st of April following the adoption of a new legal actScope:The rules apply to food business operators at all stages of the food chain where providing food information to consumers is part of the businessHowever, there are exceptions, such as a class selling home-baked prepackaged buns at a school bazaar, which does not require mandatory information labeling"
Source: https://kontrollwiki.livsmedelsverket.se/artikel/31?_t_tags=language:sv,siteid:67f9c486-281d-4765-ba72-ba3914739e3b&_t_hit.id=Livs_Common_Model_Kontrollwiki_KontrollwikiItem/AZB7RQqazfUHyHBpPguZ&_t_hit.pos=9##~https://www.livsmedelsverket.se/sok/Search/?sortby=LastUpdated
Region: Sweden
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